Friday, August 12, 2011

A New Medical Breakthrough for Breast Cancer Being Developed

Hi Guys,

Below is an article about a medical breakthrough that will be amazing for all women. Read on and lets all hope that one day this will be available to aid those battling with breast cancer:- 

Breast cancer gel shrinks tumours... and without tablets' unpleasant side-effects

Last updated at 11:27 PM on 5th August 2011

A breast cancer gel is being developed to shrink tumours in a development that could revolutionise treatment of the disease.
The treatment is rubbed on to the skin daily and has far fewer unpleasant side-effects than the tablet tamoxifen  – the most commonly used drug in Britain.
But it contains the same active ingredient, and concentrates it in the breast rather than dispersing it around the entire body like pills do.
Researcher Professor Seema Khan, who is testing the gel in the U.S., said: We think it may be a very good solution for women who are reluctant to take tamoxifen.
‘Delivery through the skin means there will be very little drug circulating through the bloodstream and the body.’
If the trials are successful then the treatment – called afimoxifene – could be available to British patients in  the next three to four years. 
Around 130 UK women  are diagnosed with breast  cancer every day – or 48,000  a year.
Many of them are prescribed tamoxifen to shrink their tumours before surgery or to lower the risk of the cancer returning afterwards.
The drug blocks the receptors in the breast that accept the hormone oestrogen, which is responsible for causing many types of the disease.
Recent studies show that women who take tam- oxifen for five years have far better long-term survival prospects.

Tamoxifen was developed in the UK in the 1960s and has been credited with helping reduce breast cancer deaths by 30 per cent.
But up to half of women on the drug quit before the  five years are up because  of unpleasant side-effects, which commonly include  nausea, hot flushes and weight gain.
The medicine has also been linked in rare cases to blood clots that can cause strokes and womb cancer. And it can  adversely interact with  other cancer drugs and the blood-thinning treatment warfarin.
Many women are reluctant to take Tamoxifen due to the unpleasant side effects
Many women are reluctant to take Tamoxifen due to the unpleasant side effects

Tamoxifen is taken orally then broken down by the liver and circulated around the body before it reaches the breast tissue.
However afimoxifene is applied to the skin over the tumour, where it seeps into the affected cells and stays. 
Professor Khan, of Northwestern University near Chicago, said: ‘It is a way to minimise exposure to the rest of the body and concentrate the drug where it is needed.’
It is hoped afimoxifene will encourage more women to stay on the treatment for longer and so boost their chances of survival.
The current trial was set up after a study in France on 55 women showed rubbing the active ingredient of tamoxifen on the skin was just as good as tablets at slowing cancer-  tissue growth.
Women on the gel therapy had up to nine times less potentially toxic medicine in their bloodstream too.
Volunteers on the U.S. programme will either take tamoxifen tablets or use the gel for six weeks before their scheduled cancer surgery to see how much their tumours shrink by.
UK cancer charities gave  the research a cautious  welcome.  
Dr Susie Jennings of Breakthrough Breast  Cancer said: ‘It’s exciting to see alternative methods of delivering treatment being explored.
‘But it will be some time before we know if it could be used safely and effectively.’
And Dr Kat Arney of Cancer Research UK said ‘It’s not clear whether this gel can deliver the benefits of the drug with fewer side effects.
‘We’ll have to wait and see what the trial results show.

Read more: 

That's all for now guys.. till our next post.. adios.. 

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